Can You Shower on Your Period?

Can You Shower on Your Period?

Yes, you can shower during your period. However, your showering routine will differ from the rest of the month, which we discuss below.


Is It Safe to Shower While on Your Period?

woman with period showering

Medical professionals don’t have any particular concerns about showering during your period. In fact, they recommend it, as it can help with personal hygiene. For example, showering could reduce bacteria from vaginal menstrual discharges and keep you feeling fresh (which may have psychological benefits).

Furthermore, you can continue wearing your tampon during showering if you prefer. Removing it and replacing it later is another option, so you don’t have to take it out immediately.


Benefits of Showering During Your Period

There are several benefits of showering during your period, some obvious and others not.

1. Maintaining Personal Hygiene

For example, showering during your period can help you with hygiene by reducing menstrual residues, reducing the risk of odors, and possibly infections. It can also improve comfort by removing any congealed blood or clotting that may appear.

2. Soothing Menstrual Cramps and Body Aches

Some women also find that showering on their period can ease cramps. Experimenting with this can make this time of the month more comfortable and provide immediate relief if you’re prone to this issue.

To maximize relief, allow hot water to contact the affected area. Heat can provoke relaxation and lead to feelings of well-being.

3. Boosting Your Mood and Energy Levels

Showers can also improve mood and boost energy levels by releasing heat shock proteins (similar to a sauna). These can interact with the same areas of the brain responsible for the “runner’s high,” giving you an overall experience of well-being.

The mere act of showering can also have purely psychological effects. Some women find it gives them the sense that they care for themselves, producing a general sense of well-being.

4. Promoting Better Skin Health

Showering may also assist with skin issues related to menstruation, like acne. Regular washing may keep these to a minimum and help reduce the risk of them appearing. If pimples are a concern, look for products containing spot-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid and antibacterial agents.

These can dry pimples and encourage faster skin turnover, reducing their duration. If you worry about dry skin around your period, apply ceramides and emollients like shea butter. These compounds trap more moisture in the skin and prevent steam from leading to post-shower dryness.

5. Encouraging Relaxation and Reducing Stress

Finally, a hot shower can help you feel more relaxed during your period, which may be beneficial if you notice mood changes during certain times. After a long day, it can put you on the right foot.

You can make your shower more conducive to stress management by:

  • Adding scents to the room, like lavender
  • Increasing the temperature slightly and allowing the steam to build up
  • Playing some soothing background music
  • Using jets if you have them
  • Heating the rest of the bathroom beforehand so you don’t feel cold when stepping out


How Often Should You Shower While on Your Period?

How often you shower during your period is up to you and depends on your comfort and hygiene needs. Most professionals advise that you shower as often as normal, usually once daily.

If you have a heavy flow, you can shower more than once, perhaps once in the morning and again in the evening, but this is a personal preference. For example, if you feel hygienic, then showering once a day might be okay. However, you could shower more often with strong odors or heavy flow.

Furthermore, showering more frequently during physical activity may help. Sweat and blood can increase the risk of odor and bacterial growth compared to blood alone.


How Can a Shower Filter Improve Your Period Shower Experience?

changing cartridge

Adding a shower filter to your shower could improve the experience significantly. Reducing substances like chlorine and heavy metals reduces irritation and makes the water feel softer and more nourishing.

This can lead to better skin health and less itching, especially in an area with hard water. Brands like AquaBliss build shower filters. These remove annoying compounds that could make period showering more irritating and less comfortable.


Should You Use Hot or Cold Water?

Professionals generally recommend hot water during menstruation because of heat’s soothing effects. Cold water can cause the body to tighten and hunker down, which may make the cramps worse.

However, individual preferences may be different. You may prefer cold showers and find that they leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated, ready to start your day. Remember, cold water doesn’t have the same cleaning action as warm water. Accordingly, you may want to start hot and cool down, or the other way around.


Best Showering Practices During Your Period

woman showering on her period

You can make showers during menstruation more comfortable by:

  • Ensuring that the water’s pH is neutral (not too alkaline or acidic)
  • Rinsing to remove traces of blood and discharge from external areas
  • Using soaps and body washes for sensitive skin
  • Patting your body dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing


Can You Take Baths During Your Period?

You can take baths during your period. However, there are pros and cons. The pros are:

  • Improved muscle relaxation, especially around the abdomen
  • Additional pain relief from the hot water (similar to a hot compress)
  • Mood-enhancing effects
  • Goes well with scented candles

The cons are:

  • Messier than showers where menstrual blood can drain quickly
  • Slightly increased risk of infection from blood remaining in the tub (instead of disappearing down the plug hole
  • May increase bleeding for some women (due to the effect of prolonged external heat)


Debunking Other Menstruation Hygiene Myths

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with myths about menstrual hygiene. Many people believe all sorts of things that just aren’t true. For example, you can eat any food you want during your period.

You don’t have to go on a special diet to reduce odor. You can also wash your hair on your period. You don’t just have to shower the body. Finally, menstrual blood isn’t dirty or old blood. It is simply part of the uterus’s lining.


So, Can You Shower On Your Period?

Ultimately, you can shower during your period. However, you may want to increase the frequency if you feel uncomfortable. There’s nothing wrong with getting in the shower two or three times daily if needed.

You can make your shower experience more comfortable with a filter and the proper equipment. Shop Aquabliss shower heads today to experience the difference for yourself. Alternatively, contact our team to discuss your setup.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for personalized medical guidance.

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