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In order to get rid of pink mold in your shower, you’ll need a thorough and intense cleaning solution. It takes time and elbow grease to eliminate soap scum, pink mildew, and other blemishes on shower surfaces.
With the right material and time, a pink mold shower can become as good as new; however, you’ll want to carry out the cleaning process in a well ventilated space. It’s also important to make sure you wear protective gear.
This will help you avoid exposing pink shower mold or cleaning products to any open wounds on your body.
Serratia marcescens, commonly referred to as pink mold, is a reddish pink-colored, airborne bacteria that tends to grow in moist environments. Serratia marcescens is also quite notable for growing on shower walls, shower chairs, and other areas with excess moisture.
Pink mold has even been known to grow along places like a shower head, shower curtains, and on the floor of a tub. Ongoing exposure to this sort of bacterial colony can cause even healthy people to experience compromised immune systems.
In order to get rid of pink mold, it’s important to know what causes it. To prevent pink mold is sometimes easier said than done. This bacteria is not only airborne, but it also tends to gather on wet surfaces, especially those with inadequate ventilation, and begin building pink-colored colonies.
Pink mold can also be the result of soap scum build-up, shampoo residue, mineral deposits, or regularly showering with your bathroom windows closed.
An AquaBliss shower filter can protect your bathroom from various water impurities that create a breeding ground for pink mold. Though if you’re wondering how to get rid of pink mold in shower, you’ll want to follow a step-by-step rigorous cleaning plan.
The first part of how to remove pink mold from the shower is to wear protective gear at all times. This means putting on cleaning gloves and wearing a face mask that covers your mouth and nose.
To really be on the safe side with pink shower mold, you may even want to wear goggles or other see-through protective gear to cover your eyes. This is essential to avoiding direct contact with not just pink mold in shower, but also with any cleaning agents.
As you put together a cleaning solution to target a pink mold shower, making sure you have the right products and tools is essential. A spray bottle, soft bristle brush, and microfiber towel can easily prove handy for tackling hard surfaces with pink mold.
As for the cleaning products themselves, consider using white vinegar, chlorine, bleach, baking soda, liquid dish soap, or even hydrogen peroxide. Each of these solutions is effective, yet still safe to use on bathroom windows, shower walls, and even a shower curtain.
Once you’ve got on your protective gear and prepared your cleaning solution, the next step is scrubbing pink mold in shower. This will require elbow grease and you’ll want to combine your cleaning solution with warm water.
If you have a buildup of grout, black mold, shampoo residue, or other icky substances, you might want to use brushes, sponges, or other similar tools while scrubbing. Typically, it’s best to scrub up and down and back and forth. Do this after applying the cleanser with a spray bottle if needed.
Whether you’re using baking soda, dish soap, bleach, or some other cleaning solution, consistent scrubbing is essential to remove pink shower mold. Don’t forget to rinse your surfaces with cool water afterward.
After you’re done scrubbing, be sure to disinfect your shower curtain. Typically, this is best done by mixing bleach and warm water in a small bowl. From there, remove the curtain from your shower and soak it in the solution for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse the curtain of any dirty solution after it’s soaked, too. This will get rid of any mold spores or remaining bacteria. Disinfecting your shower curtain can likewise prevent pink mold from making a comeback in the future.
Like any curtains in your shower, you’ll also need to disinfect all shower surfaces. Tile floors, corners of open windows, shower walls, and other surfaces can become prone to all kinds of buildup.
Thoroughly scrub these areas with your cleaning solution. Without disinfecting all shower surfaces, dirt, grime, bacteria, and other unwanted substances have an easy breeding ground.
If your shower curtain and liner have a considerable buildup of pink mold, it might be best to get rid of them altogether. In cases like this, even a spray bottle, bleach, and other cleaning materials may not easily get rid of all the bacteria.
It’s better to have a new shower curtain and liner than to run the risk of keeping one that’s been contaminated.
Many people wonder if having pink mold in shower is dangerous. It is very dangerous indeed and can lead to a series of health issues. Bathing in a pink mold shower if you have an open wound on your body can even lead to infections.
Ongoing exposure to this type of airborne bacteria can also present a series of other health risks. People who continuously inhale pink mold have been known to come down with pneumonia, digestive complications, and even urinary tract infections.
This can be especially problematic for individuals who already have pre-existing health conditions.
Pink mold can make you very sick. In fact, the symptoms of this have a reputation for mirroring those of food poisoning. Someone who’s become ill due to pink shower mold can experience cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and even vomiting.
Children, elderly people, and adults with compromised immune systems can be especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of pink mold.
If you’re repeatedly wondering how to remove pink mold from shower, this could be the result of excessive moisture on surfaces or inadequate cleaning practices.
To avoid this, you’ll want to regularly wash your shower, rinse away dirty water down the drain, and scrub with bleach or other products when you notice stains starting to build up. Make sure to wipe corners, tile crevices, and other shower spaces where moisture can accumulate or doesn't fully drain.
Turning on an exhaust fan, vent fan, and letting your bathroom air out after a shower can also prevent moist air from lingering and leading to pink mold.
No one wants to deal with a pink mold shower. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid this airborne virus.
Putting together a daily maintenance routine is one of your best defenses against what causes pink mold. Wipe down surfaces, use a squeegee after showering, and make sure to keep any shower accessories dry after you’re done bathing.
This can be as simple as wiping down surfaces with a towel to avoid mold, bacteria, and other infectious buildups.
Many showers become infected with pink mold due to a lack of ventilation. Bringing down humidity levels is key to preventing mold growth on tile floors, shower corners, and other spaces in your bathroom.
To increase ventilation, consider using an exhaust fan, opening windows, or installing dehumidifiers.
Stress the importance of regular inspections to identify early signs of mold growth. Provide guidance on what to look for during inspections, such as discoloration, musty odors, or damp spots.
AquaBliss offers a series of handy showerhead filters that make bathrooms cleaner. By reducing impurities within water, our filters are great for stopping dirt, nasty odors, and the buildup of limescale. Impure minerals can not only make your shower space dirtier, but they can also dry out your skin, nails, and hair.
Through water filtration, AquaBliss goes the extra mile to make sure you enjoy a cleaner and relaxing shower without your skin and hair coming into contact with chlorine, pesticides, and other chemicals found in unfiltered water.
Pink shower mold is nothing to mess around with. It can quickly build up in moist areas and lead to serious health infections. If you wash your tub and other surfaces regularly, change your cleaning towel, and make sure your bathroom is nicely ventilated, you’ll be lowering the risk of having a pink mold shower.
Thankfully, our genuine shower head filters can contribute to a better, safer, and cleaner experience for you. With AquaBliss, you’ll be able to protect yourself from contaminants that aren’t good for your body.
In the long run, this can promote better health and wellness and create a safer and sanitary environment. Each of our products goes through rigorous testing to ensure the best results for everyone.
To date, we’ve sold more than 500,000 shower head filters and serviced hundreds of thousands of customers. Contact us here or check out our available showerhead filters to enjoy luxurious and pristine showers.