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Many Americans take clean drinking water for granted, never considering what's in the water—the dangerous chemicals or pathogens that may be lurking in their tap water. We trust that our local water supply meets safe drinking water standards, but the reality can be quite different.
It often takes a public health crisis, like the Flint, Michigan water disaster, to bring attention to the dangers of lead exposure and the long-term health risks associated with toxic metal contamination.
Most people assume they have access to clean drinking water, but harmful contaminants can still exist, even in water that is considered safe by regulatory bodies.
Fortunately, water filtration solutions like AquaBliss can provide an extra layer of protection, helping to remove harmful contaminants from your water. With a wide range of filters, AquaBliss helps ensure that your family has access to clean water that’s free from dangerous chemicals.
When it comes to your drinking water supplies, it’s better to be cautious. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), various contaminants such as organic chemicals, lead, and coliform bacteria can pose a threat to human health.
In fact, in 2015, nearly 77 million Americans got their drinking water from systems that violated federal protections outlined by the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Widespread inequalities exist in water quality across the U.S., and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has highlighted these disparities through EWG’s Tap Water Database.
Hundreds of cities and towns across the country face high levels of other chemicals, like arsenic, nitrates, and radioactive material, all of which can lead to serious health effects.
Your drinking water quality can be compromised by a wide range of contaminants. These include lead pipes, heavy metals, pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, and even pharmaceuticals.
While some of these substances are naturally occurring, others come from agricultural runoff and industrial pollution.
The potential health problems associated with these contaminants are serious. Lead exposure can result in developmental issues in children, while high levels of nitrates can lead to blue baby syndrome in infants.
Toxic metals and other contaminants have been linked to conditions such as cancer and neurological disorders.
Using a water filtration system like AquaBliss can help eliminate many of these dangerous substances, making your water safer to drink and use in everyday activities.
Certain populations face an increased risk of health problems from contaminated water supplies. Pregnant women, children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems are at higher risk of illness caused by waterborne contaminants. But do they really know what's in the water they're consuming?
Lead pipes, aging infrastructure, and flooding are all factors that contribute to unsafe levels of contaminants in public water systems. Cities and towns with limited resources sometimes struggle to meet the demands of proper water treatment, leaving residents vulnerable to exposure.
In rural areas, those who rely on private wells are often at risk of exposure to bacteria and toxic chemicals without regular testing.
Even though U.S. drinking water is often considered among the cleanest in the world, contaminants still pose a threat. Public health advocates encourage individuals to get their water tested to know what's in the water, particularly if they rely on a private well or live in areas with known contamination issues.
Testing can identify high levels of lead, chlorine, pesticides, and other dangers present in both well water and public water systems.
For those concerned about water safety, using the right filter can help remove specific contaminants like chlorine, arsenic, and coliform bacteria. AquaBliss offers effective filtration solutions designed to target a wide range of contaminants, ensuring your local water supply is clean and safe for your family.
It’s important to choose a filter that meets the needs of your area and addresses the specific health risks present. Even bottled water isn’t immune to contamination; data collected by the EPA shows that some bottled water contains unsafe levels of other chemicals as well.
Before you take a sip from your faucet, it’s essential to understand the risks and take the necessary steps to ensure your tap water is truly safe. Whether you’re relying on ground water, a private well, or a municipal public water system, knowing what’s in your water can make a significant difference to your health. AquaBliss can be a valuable tool in protecting your water quality and giving you peace of mind.